[ВЕСТИ] Осма конференција EELC-a (манастир Караиман) 26-31.05.2019.
Од 26. до 31. маја текуће академске године одржана је у манастиру Караиман у Румунији осма по реду конференција EELC-a (The Eastern European Liaison Committee) која окупља најеминентније библисте западне и источне Европе. Организација EELC један је од одељака кровне организације SNTS (Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas), која окупља бројне светске библисте, пре свега из области новозаветне науке. У манастирском конаку који је опремљен за најсавременија конференцијска окупљања својом поруком обратио се и Његова Светост патријарх Румуније г. Данијел. Ове године на овој престижној конференцији излагали су и чланови Библијског института и то проф. др Предраг Драгутиновић (main paper) на тему Reading the Gospel of John as a Story of Life and Death. Some Insights from the Storytelling Anthropology, а у оквиру семинара доц. др Владан Таталовић на тему Antropology of Johanine Epistles и доц. др Ненад Божовић на тему The Image of Adam as Adolescent in Eden in Patristic Reception of Gen 2-3. Осим излагача, на конференцији је учествовала и докторандкиња Богословског факултета Фива Савковић, као и студенткиња мастер студија на Теолошком факултету у Лувену (Белгија), Марина Ћакић. Треба поменути да је године 2016. домаћин седме конференције била Москва, а домаћин шестог заседања Православни богословски факултет и Библијски институт Универзитета у Београду (2013), док су претходне конференције такође одржаване у православним земљама (Бугарска, Белорусија). Галерију као и детаљан програм овогодишње конференције можете видети испод.
of the Eight International East-West Symposium of
New Testament Scholars
Caraiman Monastery
26th-31st of Mai, 2019
Sunday, 26th of Mai
18:30 – Departure by bus to Caraiman Monastery from the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Str. Sf. Ecaterina, 2-4, Bucharest
20:30 – Dinner (Buffet)
Monday, 27th of Mai
07:30 – Morning Prayer (Orthodox): Marian Vild (Bucharest, Romania)
08:00 – Breakfast
09:00 – Opening of the Symposium by Stelian Tofană (Cluj-Napoca, Romania). Official messages from His Holiness Daniel, Patriarch of
the Romanian Orthodox Church, from The State Department for Religious Affairs in Romania, and from Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr, President of EELC
10:00 – Main Papers I and II: Anthropology in Old Testament / Hellenistic Judaism
Carl Holladay (Atlanta, USA), Some Hellenistic Jewish Perspectives on Moral Agency: Ben Sira, Philo, and Josephus
Alexandru Mihăilă (Bucharest, Romania), A Circumcised Heart: The Anthropological Function of the Heart as the Inner Man
11:30 – Coffee break
12:00 – Discussion of the Main Paper I and II
12:45 – Main Paper III: Anthropology in the Synoptic Gospels
Daniel Ayuch (Balamand, Lebanon), From Homo Sedentarius to Homo Peregrinator. The Nomadic Nature of Man in Luke [and Acts]
13:30 – Lunch
15:30 – Main Paper IV: Anthropology in the Synoptic Gospels
Joel Marcus (Durham, USA), The Anthropology of the Synoptic Gospels
16:15 – Coffee break
16:45 – Discussion of the Main Papers III and IV
17:30 – Break
17:45 – Seminar Session I
Seminar “Anthropology and Ethics”
Volker Rabens (Jena, Germany), The Dilemma of Human Agency in John’s Gospel
Teodor Brasoveanu (Leuven, Belgium), The Ethical Significance of the Pauline Discourse in 1 Corinthians 9,24-27
Seminar “Anthropology and Creation”
Georg Schimanowski (Tübingen, Germany), The Creation of the 'mortal human being' (Gen 2:7) in Philo's Treatises - with a
Short View on Paul
Nenad Bozovic (Belgrade, Serbia), The Image of Adam as Adolescent in Eden in Patristic Reception of Gen 2-3
Seminar “Anthropology and Eschatology”
Mikhail Seleznev (Moscow, Russia), Anthropology and Eschatology in the NT and LXX – with special Reference to the Treatment of Gen 1-3 in the LXX and the NT
Halyna Teslyuk (Lviv, Ukraine), From Biological Barrenness to Spiritual Fertility in Eschaton: An Exegesis of Wis 3:13
19:15 – Evening Prayer (Catholic): Bartosz Adamczewski (Warsaw, Poland)
19:30 – Dinner
Tuesday, 28th of Mai
07:30 – Morning Prayer (Protestant): Virgil Laszlo (Budapest, Hungary)
08:00 – Breakfast
09:00 – Main Papers V and VI: Anthropology in the Gospel of John
Nadine Ueberschaer (Greifswald, Germany), “Lazarus, come out.” (John 11, 43). Anthropology in the Gospel of John
Predrag Dragutinović (Belgrade, Serbia), Reading the Gospel of John as a Story of Life and Death. Some Insights from the Storytelling Anthropology
10:30 – Coffee break
11:00 – Discussion of the Main Papers V and VI
11:45 – Main Papers VII and VIII: The Spiritual Human Being in 1 Corinthians
Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr (Jena, Germany), The Spiritual Human Being in Paul: 1 Cor 2:15 from a “Western” Perspective
Christos Karakolis (Athens, Greece), The Apostle Paul as a Paragon of a Spiritual Human Being: Applied Anthropology in Paul’s Biography
13:30 – Lunch
15:30 – Discussion of the Main Papers VII and VIII
16:15 – Coffee break
16:45 – Break
17:45 – Seminar Session II
Seminar “Anthropology and Ethics”
Artur Malina (Katowice, Poland): Hospitality in Transformation (Mk 9:5-6 and par.). Interpretations of a Human Response to
the Transfiguration
Ain Riistan (Tartu, Estonia), Honour and Shame in the Pastoral Ethics of 2 Timothy
Seminar “Anthropology and Creation”
James McGrath (Indianapolis, USA), Anthropological Assumptions of John’s Baptism
Randar Tasmuth (Tartu, Estonia), Temple and Torah turned to Body and Spirit
Seminar “Anthropology and Eschatology”
James (Bru) Wallace (Memphis, USA), A Dwelling Not Made With Hands: Anthropology, Eschatology, and Theosis in 2 Corinthians 3-5
Maria Karyakina (St. Petersburg, Russia), Eschatological realization of one's identity in Christ according to the Letter to the Philippians
19:15 – Evening Prayer (Orthodox): Theodor Stoitchev (Shumen, Bulgaria)
19:30 – Dinner
Wednesday, 29th of Mai
07:30 – Morning Prayer (Catholic): Artur Malina (Katowice, Poland)
08:00 – Breakfast
09:00 – Main Papers IX and X: Marriage and Related Issues in the New Testament
Bill Loader (Perth, Australia), Sex and Gender as Anthropological Categories in the New Testament
Korinna Zamfir (Cluj-Napoca, Romania), Discourses on Motherhood in the Corpus Paulinum
10:30 – Coffee break
11:00 – Discussion of the Main Papers IX and X
11:45 – Individual Paper and Discussion:
Cyril Hovorun (Los Angeles, USA), New Testament Church: Between Discipleship and Fellowship
13:30 – Lunch
15:30 – Final plenary
17:00 – Coffee break
17:30 – Seminar Session III
Seminar “Anthropology and Ethics”
Athanasios Despotis (Bonn, Germany), The Relation Between Anthropology and Ethics in John’s Gospel with Regard to the
Hellenistic-Philosophical Milieu and Some Early Patristic Approaches
Bartosz Adamczewski (Warsaw, Poland), Moral Aspects of the Relational Nature of the Human Body in the Theology of Paul
Seminar “Anthropology and Creation”
Darko Anev, The Shepherd Imagery and the Shepherding as Reflection of Anthropology through the Metaphorical Elaboration in the Gospel of John
Vladan Tatalovic, Antropology of Johanine Epistles
Seminar “Anthropology and Eschatology”
Marian Vild (Bucharest, Romania), Being in Christ - the Pauline Concept in the Understanding of the Church Fathers
Alexey Somov (Moscow, Russia), Ancient Views on the Human Upright Posture as a Mark of Immortality in the New Testament Imagery of Resurrection
19:15 – Evening Prayer (Protestant): Maria Karyakina (St. Petersburg, Russia)
19:30 – Dinner
20:30 – Individual Paper and Discussion:
Stelian Tofană (Cluj-Napoca, Romania), Biblical Scholarship in Romania. Past and Present
Thursday, 30th of Mai
07:30 – Morning Prayer (Protestant): Randar Tasmuth (Tartu, Estonia)
08:00 – Breakfast
09:00 – Section “Translations of the Holy Scripture in Romanian”
09:00 – Vasile Mihoc (Sibiu, Romania), The 1858 Bible from Sibiu
09:30 – Stelian Tofană (Cluj-Napoca, Romania), The Bartholomeus’ Bible – a New Translation?
10:00 – Petre Semen (Iași, Romania), The Bible of Patriarch Nicodim Munteanu related to other Synodal Bibles. Similarities and Differences
10:30 – Coffee break
11:00 – Section “Translations of the Holy Scripture in Romanian”
11:00 – Cătălin Vatamanu (Iași, Romania), Patriarch Nicodim Munteanu - translator of The Holy Scripture in time of war. The Synodal Bible from 1944, in context
11:30 – Cosmin Pricop (Bucharest, Romania), The Importance of the Bucharest Bible (1688) for the Orthodox Biblical Canon
12:00 – Alexandru Mihăilă (Bucharest, Romania), Ancient Bible Versions and the Text of the Bucharest Bible
12:30 – Lunch
14:00 – Depart to Peleș Castle
19:15 – Evening Prayer (Catholic): Petr Mareček (Olomouc, Czech Republic)
19:30 – Festive dinner
Friday, 31st of Mai
07:30 – Morning Prayer (Orthodox): James (Bru) Wallace (Memphis, USA)
08:00 – Breakfast
10:00 – Depart to Bucharest by bus